Year One:

Healthy Leaders
OCT 14 - 16


Partnering for Purpose is a European Learning Community, hosted by KingsGate Community Church, in partnership with a number of the leading church networks. With this in mind, medium to large churches from a wide range of denominational affiliations, church networks and backgrounds will be gathering together to support and learn from each other.

This Partnering for Purpose Learning Community will be a three-year journey. As well as an annual in-person gathering, we will be offering bespoke church assessments, an online community hub, as well as virtual coaching and peer accountability. While drawing on the wisdom of leaders, speakers and mentors from around the world, the main focus will be learning from what God is doing among our own European and UK churches. Many leading networks and churches have committed to the journey; we would love you to join us as well.

The Learning Community will be based on partnership, encouragement, commitment, growth, and trust. We truly believe that we are better together, as we put into practice the exhortation of the writer of Hebrews:


Leadership Team

Dave Smith

Dave Smith

Senior Pastor - KingsGate Community Church

Dave Smith is Senior Leader of KingsGate Community Church which was started with a small group of people in 1988. From the outset, the Lord called Dave to “Think Big”, firstly for the city of Peterborough - to build a local church that would impact the city, the region, the nation and beyond. KingsGate’s vision is “Transforming lives from our neighbourhoods to the nations by the power of God’s love” and is now a large, multi-cultural, inter-generational church with four campuses: Peterborough, Cambridge, Leicester and online. Having studied for a doctoral thesis on the 18th Century evangelist, George Whitefield, at Oxford University, he is passionate about seeing a 21st Century revival in the UK and Europe. Dave has been married to Karen for over thirty-nine years and they have two daughters, Emily and Annabel, and two young grandsons. He is an avid Manchester City supporter, loves to read, walk and especially enjoys playing golf, where he also gets some good opportunities to share his faith. 

Geoff Surratt

Geoff Surratt

CEO - Ministry Together

Geoff has served on the leadership teams at Seacoast Church, Saddleback Church and Exponential. He is the founder and CEO of Ministry Together and coaches churches and leaders in the US and the UK. He is the author of several books including the Multisite Church Revolution and he and his wife, Sherry, recently released ‘Together, a Guide for Couples in Ministry’.